
The programme, titled "Powering the Future We Want - Recognizing Leadership and Innovative Practices in Energy for Sustainable Development", offers a grant in the amount of one million US dollars to fund future capacity development activities in energy for sustainable development. The Grant is awarded to an individual, institution or partnership based on past and current achievements, with the objective of promoting leadership and innovative practices in meeting the global energy challenge.

2017 Thematic Focus: "Sustainable Energy for Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World"

The grant programme is being implemented for an initial period of 5 years, from 2014 until 2019. A small Secretariat to support the implementation of the grant programme has been established within UN-DESA. The Secretariat is responsible for carrying out activities related to the grant such as: organizing meetings of its Advisory Council and High-level Steering Committee; review of applications; and implementation of capacity building and training activities. The grant programme is funded exclusively through extra-budgetary contributions, with the initial contributions provided by the China Energy Fund Committee.

For questions, please contact us at poweringthefuture@un.org
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