Electricity Regulatory Authority of Uganda
Finalist 2015
The Electricity Regulatory Authority of Uganda strives to be an effective regulator that promotes safe, efficient, reliable and sustainable electricity supply. It regulates the electricity industry in accordance with applicable laws, policies, standards and international best practices. Since 2012, and in cooperation with the Government of Uganda and Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, it has developed the Global Energy Transfer Feed-in-Tariff Program. The goal is to attract private capital investments and increase Uganda’s energy production to mitigate possible power supply shortages. The program aims to fast-track development of renewable energy generation projects, each promoted by private developers. To date, the program has facilitated the development of 17 renewable energy projects with a combined generation of 128 MW of Small Hydro, Biomass, Solar photovoltaic and Bagasse generation projects, estimated to yield 8 Metric Tons of CO2 emission reduction.Copyright United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | Terms of use